New to Pole or Lyra?

Here are our most frequently asked questions. Looking for more answers? Feel free to give us a call!

I will not give up – I will ask for a variation
I understand that not every thing is right for every body, and that not everyone learns at the same pace
I will own my uniqueness and embrace my beauty without comparing
my body or movements to others
I will own my frustrations, push through them and finish strong
I will point my toes and straighten my legs
I will be open-minded and embrace things outside my comfort zone
I will remember that just because I already learned something it does not
mean I cannot perfect it
I will not say “I can’t” I will say “I’ll try”
I will give my instructor and classmates respect. They should not have to
talk over me or dance while I am chatting – my conversation can wait
I will support my classmates and cheer them on for even their smallest
accomplishments because every success is important!
I will not hog equipment and ask for just one more try - which results in my
classmates getting one less try
I will help my classmates with skills they already know but I WILL NOT
teach them new skills, understanding that doing so is a liability to the
studio, is disrespectful to my instructors, and disrupts the curriculum