The majority of new clients that join Wild Orchid haven’t had any lyra experience. Therefore, all new members start with our Lyra 101 class. It’s designed to introduce you to our methodology, core movements, and the rhythm of our classes. Foundations is a learning experience, not a gut check. You can’t “fail” the program. After you complete the 4 week course you’ll be ready to jump into our drop-in classes and start moving safely and beautifully!
Beginner Lyra
Prerequisite: Lyra Foundation Series
Finished our Lyra Foundation Series? Students are now ready to continue their aerial journey in this beginner class. A strong emphasis on strength building exercises both on and off the lyra will be taught, as well as expanding on Foundation knowledge with new poses and mini combinations.
Lyra Conditioning & Flexibility
Prerequisite: None
This ALL LEVELS class is the perfect accompaniment to any lyra skill class! Conditioning and flexibility training are integral parts of your aerial progress, whether a budding student or seasoned aerialist. Class focus is on strengthening and lengthening the most-used muscles in aerial dance to increase muscle endurance and promote longevity of joints and tendons. Exercises are presented with multiple difficulty options, giving each student the opportunity to tailor their workout to their level.
Lyra Choreo & Flow
Prerequisites: Lyra Foundations and up
This class is designed to build strength, movement awareness, and a fluid skill vocabulary to start moving through basic lyra flows.
Prerequisites: None
This ALL LEVELS class is an excellent accompaniment to any aerialist's training regime. Class focus is on body placement and lengthening the most-used muscles and tendons in aerial dance, to increase your body's overall flexibility. Exercises are presented with multiple difficulty options, giving each student the opportunity to tailor their flexibility training to their body's needs.
Intermediate Lyra
Prerequisite: Lyra Foundation Series, Beginner Lyra
This class builds on skills and exercises explored in Beginner Lyra. Students can expect a continued emphasis on strength building exercises as well as more dynamic and difficult lyra skills and transitions to keep their aerial journey progressing.
At Wild Orchid we love to party! From Bachelorette Parties, Girl's Night Out, Birthday Celebrations, Sisterhood Events, to Mom and Daughter Outings - we've got you covered. We love the opportunity to get creative with our clients. Have something in particular you'd like to celebrate? Give us a call and let's make it happen!